2020.05 - 2020.01

Here is the listing of the largest changes and features released


New features:

  • Buyers: Buyers are now available as a dimension in the Reporting and Dashboards. Buyers are based on the collection of the Buyers and BuyerIDs from the SSPs, so this usually correlates to media agencies or larger Advertisers.
  • Improved dynamic Table handling: You are now able to add and remove dimensions dynamically in the tables, which make the workflow more fluid. You also have the option to expand or close all the dimensions you have added to your dashboard or report. 
  • Sales Representatives: The option to add sales representatives are now available. A Sales representative can have access to certain websites, and be connected to certain Advertisers. The Sales representatives can also be reported on as a metric, to evaluate the performance of sales representatives across the different sales channels.
  • Date presets: You can now use date presets in your Reports and Dashboards, simply by selecting them.


Fixes and changes:

  • Improved GUI: We have improved the GUI framework, making subtle changes to how the system looks and feels. This was made to facilitate improved GUI updates in the future.
  • Renaming: we have renamed a few areas of the system, to make it more intuitive and to utilize market standards in our naming conventions.