Welcome to the Relevant Yield Feature and Information Letter!
In this release we have focused on delivering some larger requests for you, and we hope you will enjoy them as much as we think you will :-)
We would also like to wish you all happy holidays!
- Improved A/B testing by introducing advanced multivariate test-capabilities for HB Manager & HB Analytics
- Display compared Revenue values
- DSP mapping for API Insights & renaming of the mapping menu
- Pinned reports are now ordered alphabetically
- New date ranges Last 3 months and Last 90 days
- Updated API/Data connections
The release will drop today and during the rest of the week.
1. Improved A/B testing by introducing advanced multivariate test-capabilities for HB Manager & HB Analytics
We have significantly improved the A/B testing capabilities and the functionality around real-time multivariate-tests in the HB Manager & HB Analytics. This is something that we have wanted to do for a long time, so we are now really happy to be able to provide you with a state of the art multivariate platform for optimization.
Set up a new test, push it live within 5 seconds - and see the changes reflected in HB Analytics, within 10 seconds! The workflow and interface for conducting advanced "Child configuration" tests has also been greatly improved.
The new update includes:
- Ability to easily create multiple child configurations, based on an existing parent configuration, and then allocated traffic shares among the child configurations.
- Automatically monitor and analyse all the available metrics (even your custom ones) in HB Analytics in relation to the split tests. You can also add your tests straight to your Dashboards reporting module through the HB Analytics Dashboard module. The new dimension "Prebid Configurations" makes it easy to automatically keep track of all the configurations and tests running in specific periods:
- The ability to build alarms on aforementioned split tests, on any metric you would deem performance critical:
- The ability to change options in any configuration for each individual child configuration. This includes, but it is not limited to: SSPs, Floor-prices, Reload settings, Prebid time-outs, Client vs Server side and more:
- A quick "switch" function, to select the best performing child configuration as your new parent configuration.
What’s in it for you?
A state of the art experimentation and optimising platform for your Prebid configurations. A much faster and more efficient way to try out new things in your prebid configuration; which in return should enable you to make more revenue on your setup!
It is, at its essence, a fantastic way to try out experimental configurations, new SSPs and settings, while keeping other factors intact, so you get proper reference data before making more permanent changes.
We strongly recommend that you look into the details about how to set up the configuration as there are a few steps involved; and also read a little bit about how to use the new functions:
How to set up a multivariate test configuration
How the prebid parameters work
Feel free to reach out if you have more questions as well :-)
2. Display compared Revenue values
This is a nice little addition, making it possible to see the compared revenue summary value when comparing revenue values:
What’s in it for you?
A nice and easy way to get a quick overview of both the current value and the compared value.
3. DSP mapping for API Insights & renaming of the mapping menu
We have now added a third option for demand mappings, beside advertiser and buyer; "DSP".
As part of the update we will also be changing the name of the menu item "Advertisers and Buyers" into "Demand mappings":
What's in it for you?
The DSP mapping is a useful addition, as different SSPs use different naming conventions for DSPs; and we now make it possible for you to unify the mapping of the DSPs; just like you would like them to show up.
4. Pinned Reports are now ordered alphabetically
This small update now lists the pinned reports in an alphabetical order, rather than when they were created, which also means that you can reorder them as you like; by adding a number before the name!
5. New date ranges Last 3 months and Last 90 days
We have added 2 more options in the preset dates; "Last 3 months" and "Last 90 days":
What's in it for you?
Faster date selections on some used dates. We decided to add both Last 90 days and Last 3 months, which are similar, but not identical, as it depends on how far you are in the current month.
6. Updated API/Data connections
We have improved support for a couple of APIs and data imports, since the last release:
- Adagio
- Avantis
What's next?
We will send you a monthly newsletter update on the new releases, so you are always well prepared, and can check out the new features right away. New releases can also always be found at our help center here.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me, the support or any other contact you might have, and we will help you out!