Adding the Prebid Server to your calls

Through the HB Manager it is possible to activate Prebid Server. Prebid server is a way to enable doing server-side calls in tandem with your client-side calls. You can also choose to only do servers-side calls, if you would require to do so.

Most of the SSPs support Prebid server, but you might want to reach out to your SSP provider, and ask them to activate your account for server-side calls also. 

There are several reasons for utilizing server-side calls, the most common ones are:

  • More money: With the server-side calls, you are enabling another call for the same impression, potentially getting more auction returns on each Auction, which would increase competition. Please notice that there are no guarantees for an increase in revenue, but it is our experience that there is an uplift with the activation.
  • Faster calls: Normally server-side calls are considered faster and easier to control and monitor, which could improve the speed of your website load. This in itself can improve viewability and cause less timeouts/latency.
  • Opportunity to work with non-client side integrations


Please notice!!: It is a good idea to have a chat with our support before activating this on your own, so we can verify the activation and server performance over the first few days.


How to activate the Prebid server-side in the HB Manager

Prebid server can be activated on multiple levels, just as you can create your Prebid configurations on different levels. As an example, on the Global level it looks like this:


You simply move into the Prebid parameters on the level and setup you would like to activate on, and then select if you want to do a ClientSide, Serverside or Parallel (use both Client-side and Server-side in the same auction). 

You only need to contact the support the first time you want to try this out, it is because we always want to do an additional server capacity check, so you get the most out of your activation from a performance perspective.