HB Analytics - Dimensions and Metrics

Here we cover the Dimensions and Metrics available in the HB Analytics. Please notice that the Dimensions shown here are the Default Dimensions, if you have added custom dimensions they are most likely not covered in this article.


  • Publisher: The Publisher (Account) for which the auction occurred.
  • Site: The site where the auction occurred.
  • Bidder: The SSP or source returning a bid through your Prebid configuration.
  • Time Period: Time period defined the granularity with which you would like the report to  be broken down into. The HB Analytics supports granularity levels down to 10 minute periods. However, please notice that the 10 minute granularity breakdown is only available according to your contract specifications. After this the granularity is turned into one day accumulated values.
  • Source: The Source is the naming or ID used by a specific bidder in this particular auction. So it is basically the name for your particular Bidder ID in this particular placement. This is useful for debugging potential errors in relation to setups, making sure the setup is using the correct ID, and making it easy to investigate rules in the SSPs.
  • Placement: The placement where the auction occurred.
  • Bid-range: This is the returned values from each of the Bidders (SSPs), and how they break down in different tiers. This can be used to understand at what level a particular Bidder is mostly bidding in, aiding you to understand where you should try your bid levels.
  • Creative Size: The size of the creative served; like 300x250, 160x600 etc.
  • Media Type: The Media Type dimension shows you what Media type has been server; like Video or Banner as examples.
  • Revenue type: Makes it possible if the revenue was (and metrics data in general) belongs to Direct, Deals or OpenRTB performance.
  • Demand Channel: If the revenue (and metrics data in general) relates to your adserver or your headerbidding performance.
  • Country: The user country dimensions, shows you the performance from each user country, and can be used to identify performance form different regions and countries.
  • Prebid Configuration: The Prebid configuration dimension shows the Name of your Prebid configurations, and automatically picks up any child configurations you have created. 
  • Hostname: The domain name of the website/app hosted during this auction
  • Operating system: The software that the user is accessing the website/app from during this auction
  • Browser name: The browser name user is using on your website/app during this auction
  • Browser version: Indicates what was users browser version during this auction
  • Platform: The platform user is using to access your website/app during this auction
  • URL: Specific web address (Uniform Resource Locator) the user visited during this auction
  • Prebid.js version: The Prebid version the site or publisher account is running.


  • Revenue: Gross revenue was the accumulated value of the winning bids that was used by the Prebid. Any winning bids that were overruled by the Adserver are counted here. So Gross Revenue here is what is generated by the prebid setup.
  • Auctions: The number of Prebid Auctions held.
  • Ad Unit Requests: The number of Ad Unit Requests held in total. An Auction can contain multiple ad Unit requests as multiple placements (Ad units), are requested in the same auction.
  • Impressions: Impressions are the number of sold Impressions used by the Prebid.
  • Winning Bids: Winning bids is the number of winning impressions, prior to the Prebid asking if the Adserver wants to use them. So this is winning bids from Prebid, that might or might not result in an Impression.
  • eCPM: The eCPM is the average CPM of all the Impressions (won and used bids)
  • Ad unit eCPM: Ad Unit eCPM is the average CPM of all the Ad Unit requests.
  • Auction eCPM: This is the average value of all the Auctions held (an auction can contain multiple Ad Unit requests, so will naturally be higher than the Ad unit requests Ad Unit eCPM)
  • Fill rate%: This is the % value of the number of Impressions vs the number of Ad Unit Requests.
  • Bid eCPM: The average CPM of all the bids being returned for the Prebid auction.
  • Bid requests: The number of bid requests being sent from the Auctions. Please notice that an Auction can contain many Ad Unit request and that each of the Ad Unit requests normally contains one bid per SSP/Source connected. Some SSPs do use one bid request per dimension per Ad Unit request, so these will have multiple Bids made per ad Unit request; in order to traffic all the dimensions.
  • Bid rate%: The % of bid requests that was answered with a bid response.

    Please notice that this metric is not compliant with these dimensions:
    -Bid Range
    -Creative Size
    -Media Type
    -Revenue Type

    Using Bid rate% in combination with these dimensions will always result in a 100% "Bid rate%".
  • Total bid revenue: The total revenue collected from all the returns. The difference between Gross revenue is that Gross revenue only counts the revenue of the Impressions actually shown, while the Total revenue bids is a collection of all the returned winning bids, from each Ad Unit request. It will naturally be higher than the Gross Revenue, as not all winning bids can be used at the same time.
  • Cancelled bids: Bids that get interrupted due to a user closing a tab or similar.
  • Avg. response ms: The time it takes for a bidder to return a reply, from the start of the Auction.
  • Avg. render ms: The time it takes to render the ad, from the start of the auction.
  • Timed out bids: Bids that never got a response. This can be dependent on many factors, but usually it is a slow load, or because of a specified cut off point for when to stop waiting for a response.
  • Timed out bids%: The % of bids that timed out.
  • No bid responses: The number of bids that never got a response.
  • Bid responses: The number of bids that got a response.
  • Failed renderings: The number of bids that failed to render. 
  • Unique bid revenue: Revenue of bids where there was no other SSP giving a bid-response.
  • Incremental bid revenue: Revenue increase by the winning SSP, calculated by taking the difference between winning bid and second highest bid (if any).
  • Lost revenue to adserver: Revenue that was "lost" as the adserver showed another ad instead (or no-ad).
  • Bid density%: This is the  Bid responses / Ad requests (how many bid-responses per request, can be > 100%), due to some SSPs delivering more than one response.
  • Win rate%: Impressions / bid responses