Reload and Lazy load ads in HB Manager

In this section we will walk you through the different reload settings and how to set lazy load for the HB Manager


Reloading your Prebid calls on your placements in a proper and functional way can be a way to earn extra revenue, without creating a bad user experience. This is why we have added an advanced reload functionality to the HB Manager, where you can handle, set and test different reloading scenarios.

We recommend that you experiment with a few placements at a time, to find a good balance that works for your site. Too many low-quality reloads can cause poor viewability and lower eCPMs, but quality reloads can make you more inventory from your more premium placements.


Go to: Publisher Accounts > "Edit" Account settings > Open website > Open placement > Edit Built-in settings

Select the switch "Enable placement reloading" and check the security checkbox as well.

Once done, you need to save the changes at the bottom of the web page, in order to activate the functionality. You should see the effects after a few seconds.

The Reload Settings

  • Reload interval in seconds - This is the number of seconds until the placement is reloaded (if using GAM, the minimum is 30s).
  •  Count reload interval by -This is defining what should trigger the initiation of the reload count in seconds. As such it can be understood how aggressive the reloading policy will be.

There are three alternatives to select from:
  1. Time since loaded - This will reload after x number of seconds, since it was loaded the first time). 
  2. Time since first viewable - This will start the reload count only when the placement has been viewable the first time.
  3. Time being viewable - This will only count as long as the placement is in view.


  • Maximum number of reloads: This sets the number of times the placement will reload.
  • Minimum viewability % for reload: Sets how many % of the placement should be in-view to qualify for a reload.
  • Set CSS min-width/height when reloading (prevents jump effects): Activate this if you see the page "jumping" on reloads, as it will leave the ad slot open, during reloads - avoiding temporary collapses in columns.



Lazy load 

Lazy loading your Prebid calls on your placements can improve page performance and content rendering, optimize ad placement and reduce ad impression waste.

However, it may result in delayed ad impressions, and potential issues with ad blockers. We recommend that you experiment with a few placements at a time. Try setting up an A/B test and enable/disable the lazy load on those placements for a certain period of time and see what works best for your sites/apps.


Go to: Publisher Accounts > "Edit" Account settings > Open website > Open placement > Edit Built-in settings

Select the switch "Lazy loading settings" and select the switch "Lazy loading again in the Content with the the security checkbox as well.

The Lazy Load Settings

  • Pixel distance from screen (vertically)* - Determine the pixel distance from the screen (vertically) that should trigger the loading of ad unit. The ideal threshold can vary depending on factors like your website's layout, user behavior, and ad placement strategy. It's recommended to find a balance that ensures ads load in a timely manner without negatively impacting the user experience. A common practice is to initiate the load when the ad unit is within a certain range (e.g., 200-300 pixels) of the viewport.

Once done, you need to save the changes at the bottom of the web page, in order to activate the functionality. You should see the effects after a few seconds.


Google AdManager lazy load 

In addition to our own lazy load function, we have added support for the more standardized, GAM's lazy load.

You can find the setting by going under the wanted Publisher account, and selecting the Prebid Parameters next to the website where you want to enable the GAM lazy load. Find the section for Generic Prebid Config Data and enable GAM Lazy Load Settings.

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Google's lazy load operates on viewport values. The fetch margin allows you to adjust the value for how many viewports before the ad slot the ads should be fetched. Under render margin, you can adjust the value for how many viewports before the ad slot the ad should be rendered.

NOTE: Whereas with our lazy load function you can adjust the lazy load per placement, GAM's lazy loading applies only on a site level and should be adjusted under the site level parameters. However, you can utilise both technologies side-by-side if needed because Yield's native lazy load overrides GAM's lazy load.