Reload ads in HB Manager

In this section we will walk you through the different reload settings (ad refresh) in HB Manager


Reloading your Prebid calls on your placements in a proper and functional way can be a way to earn extra revenue, without creating a bad user experience. This is why we have added an advanced reload functionality to the HB Manager, where you can handle, set and test different reloading scenarios.

We recommend that you experiment with a few placements at a time, to find a good balance that works for your site. Too many low-quality reloads can cause poor viewability and lower eCPMs, but quality reloads can make you more inventory from your more premium placements.


Read more about what is ad refresh and how can you benefit from it HERE.


The Reload Settings

  • Reload interval in seconds - This is the number of seconds until the placement is reloaded (if using GAM, the minimum is 30s).
  •  Count reload interval by -This is defining what should trigger the initiation of the reload count in seconds. As such it can be understood how aggressive the reloading policy will be.

There are three alternatives to select from:

  1. Time since loaded - This will reload after x number of seconds, since it was loaded the first time). 
  2. Time since first viewable - This will start the reload count only when the placement has been viewable the first time.
  3. Time being viewable - This will only count as long as the placement is in view.


  • Maximum number of reloads: This sets the number of times the placement will reload.
  • Minimum viewability % for reload: Sets how many % of the placement should be in-view to qualify for a reload.
  • Set CSS min-width/height when reloading (prevents jump effects): Activate this if you see the page "jumping" on reloads, as it will leave the ad slot open, during reloads - avoiding temporary collapses in columns.


Placement Type Activation:

Go to: HB Management > Global HB management > Placement types > Prebid parameters > Generic Placement Data > Edit Built-in setting

Setting up reload settings on the placement type allows you to assign the same functionality placement types across multiple sites. This comes in handy when for example your sites share similar structure and has similar repetitive patterns.


Account Level Activation:

Go to: Publisher Accounts > "Edit" Account settings > Account Prebid parameters > Generic Placement Data > Edit Built-in settings

Setting up reload settings on the account level allows you to assign the same functionality placement types across the sites that are mapped under this publisher account. This comes in handy when for example these sites share similar structure and have similar repetitive patterns.


Website Level Activation:

Go to: Publisher Accounts > "Edit" Account settings > website level Prebid parameters > Generic Placement data > Edit Built-in settings


Placement Level Activation:

Go to: Publisher Accounts > "Edit" Account settings > Open website > Open placement > Edit Built-in settings

Good for specific placements, or if you would like to override any reloading settings that were set up at the "higher levels".


How to enable/disable/override reloading settings

Don't forget to save your changes.