Real-time analytics for GAM in HB Analytics - How it works and how to set it up.

In this Section we will guide you on how to set up real-time analytics for GAM for HB Analytics

How it works:

The first thing to know is that the real-time analytics data collected from GAM is strictly not real-time, but a few hours old, and the real-time data seen is a projection forward based on API data collected from GAM. This projection is quite accurate for most major Metrics, like Revenue, Fillrate, Revenue Type; but some more granular metrics, like Browser might have a slightly bigger increase of unorthodox data listed; due to the projection calculation.

Please notice that we only collect GAM revenue data for Ad slots that are added in the Prebid configuration.

How to set it up:

As the data is based on API and logged data in the auction; rather than 100% logged data in the auction, you will need to add credentials to the API, in order for us to be able to collect the data for you.

You can add your credentials in the "Adserver" integration page:

And then add the credentials data like you would for an Adserver:


And finally Activate/Enable the collection of Real-Time data:

With this enabled, you should start seeing your GAM account showing as a Bidder in HB Analytics (please notice that it might take a few minutes). 

If you would like to switch between seeing the data, or switch between not seeing approximated data, only real GAM data, this is also possible through switches in the reports:

Activating the Adserver approximations, will approximate forward towards real-time, and you will also see when the latest real data was collected. Turning it off will only show real collected GAM data. If you select Headerbidding only, you will just see Bidders that are present directly in the Headerbidding Auction (removing GAM; as a bidder).