
Welcome, dear user of Relevant Yield, to the fourth release of 2024! 

This time around, we have been working on several quality of life upgrades, and we hope they make the usage of the product better for you.

  1. Comparisons graphs and data in the tables
  2. Additional ad-refresh setting: alternative “viewable” settings & exclude/include “line item type”
  3. Logo overrides for SSPs/bidders
  4. Added CSV export option at the top of the reporting widget
  5. Improved search filter handling for reports

The release will be made available today and throughout the rest of the week.


1. Comparisons graphs and data in the tables

The comparison graphs are now available at a more granular level than before, which makes it possible to pull a table on, for example, websites and/or placements, and see how each of these items holds up in comparison to a previous date:


You will get the information as both a comparison % and the real number (truncated to save space).


What's in it for you?

An easier way to get data visualisations for tendencies that you might want to take action on. By being able to drill down into lower levels, it gets easier to spot tendencies at a higher granularity


2. Additional ad-refresh setting: alternative “viewable” settings & block “line item type”.

Alternative viewable setting:

We have added a few new settings for determining when a document is considered as focused (in view). The default setting is still that the document should be focused, which means that the mouse should be actively working in the window. So pages on another screen, or if you have multiple tabs in the same browser, does not count as viewable in this case. 

The new option “when document is not hidden” means that if you work on multiple screens, each “viewable” surface will refresh, so non-visible tabs in the same browser will not. Multi screen ad-refreshing will happen, as they are both technically visible for the end-user.

The final option is to ignore checks for this entirely, but we do not recommend this to be used - as it will most likely bring down both your viewability and CTR% score significantly; but as always we let you be the decision-makers :-)unnamed-3

Exclude/include line item type (only for GAM)

You now have the option to either include or exclude specific line item types in the ad-refresh options. If you are using this option, you do not have to use the advertiser/order blocking; but you can of course also add that in a combination if you would like to.


You can easily select which line item type you would like to exclude. Please notice that this requires you to have enabled the GAM real-time imports for HB Analytics, as we need the data to be able to map out the line item types.

You can read more about how to activate the GAM real-time data for HB Analytics here.


What's in it for you?

An easier and more detailed way to handle how your ad refresh works. Improving on your ad-refresh, and how it is handled site for site or placement by placement, can give you a better performance and high viewability, which usually leads to better performance.

If you are interested in optimising around the ad-refreshing, you might also be interested in optimising around lazy-loading on a placement by placement level.


3. Logo overrides for SSPs/bidders

Today some of the bidders presented in the Prebid’s bidder section are “aliased bidders” of existing bidders. An example currently is the “Project Agora” bidder, which is an aliased bidder of the “Appnexus” bidder.

In some cases this is also true for agencies utilising SSPs and integrating them in publishers' Prebid setups directly.

We have added the option to override the default logo for the original bidder with the correct company logo for bidders, so they are not just showing the original bidders logo, as it can be slightly visually confusing if you have many of the same in your setup.

Simply add the URL to the logo you would like to use, in the Configuration -> Integrations for your SSPs:


What is in it for you?

A better and clearer overview in your website setups, especially if you work with multiple aliased bidders, which would otherwise use the same logo.

4. CSV export moved to the top of the reporting widget

We have now added an additional option to export your data into a .CSV file, at the top of your reporting widgets:


What is in it for you?

If you are working with long tables, maybe 100 or thousands of lines, it takes a lot of scrolling to be able to export the data into a .CSV. So if you feel comfortable about your output you now have an easier and faster access to the export button!

5. Improved search filter handling for reports

We have now improved the search filtering options for a number of dimensions, so you can more easily find items that would be outside of the last 60 days (which is the normal search bar timeframe limit when adding a filter). 

So if you are looking for an item (maybe a deal), that you can see in a report, but it does not show up in the search filter, you can just copy the full name from the report, and paste it into the search bar - and press the new “Use name”-button to force a deeper non-time restricted search:unnamed-7

What is in it for you?

This makes it easier to filter out or in items that might not currently be active in your data sets.

What's next?

We will send you a monthly newsletter update on the new releases, so you are always well-prepared and can check out the new features right away. New releases can also always be found at our support portal here.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me, the support or any other contact you might have, and we will help you out!