API Insight - Dimensions and Metrics

The API Insight module which is used for both Dashboards, Reports and Alarms contain many different settings that are listed below.

First navigate to Reports section and choose "New Report" or choose an existing report and go Settings. 


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  • Title: What is the name of the Report or Dashboard
  • Filter by my advertisers: If you are a Sales rep user, or an Admin user with a dedicated Advertiser portfolio, you can select this option to filter on your particular Advertiser or Buyer portfolio.
  • Forecast: If selected you need to select a date ending in the future, and the system will forecast based on the last 3 weeks performance. Please notice that the forecast will display an average from the last 3 weeks.
  • Date-Range: You can select the dates for your report. Dates can be dynamic (e.g. the last 30 days, and it will automatically change each day), fixed (a specific start and end date) or a Date-range, e.g. “This quarter” or “Last year”.
  • Show: This will give you the option to select a date breakdown, like “Per Day” or “Per Month”.
  • Compare date Range: The compare date range option makes it possible to compare 2 sets of dates, with the same length.


The Dimensions are really at the core of what you want to report on. By adding multiple dimensions "+", you can order the way they are listed, and move the dimensions up and down using the arrows. If you want to remove the dimension, simply press the trashcan.

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The Dimensions you can use are:

  • Date: Shows the dates you have selected as a dimension
  • Publisher: The Publisher accounts you have added in your setup
  • Site: The Websites you have added in your setup
  • Placement: The Placement added in your setup
  • Source: The SSP placement source we collect from the SSPs
  • SSP: The SSPs added to your setup
  • Revenue Type: Breakdown between “Direct campaigns”, “Deals” and “OpenRTB”
  • Advertiser: Advertisers from the SSPs and your Adserver
  • Buyer: The Buyer or SeatID from your added SSPs
  • Sales Rep: Your company Sales representatives added to your setup
  • Deal: The deals in your systems. If you want extra data on your Deals, the Deal ID and the Deal Name is available as attributes, below the metrics.
  • Placement label: The label you have given to the placements you have in your account. If you do not have this dimension, it is because you have not yet assigned a label to any of your placements.
  • Deal type: Breaks down your Deals based on what type of deal you are generating revenue through.
  • DSP: Breaks down your metrics through the DSP being used through the SSPs.
  • Payment type: Breaks down your metrics based on what type of payment is used to create the revenue, like Impressions or Clicks.
  • Media type: Breaks down your metrics based on what type of media is being used, like DIsplay, native Video etc etc.
  • CreativeSize: The Creative dimensions that have generated Revenue in your system.
  • Order: We import the Order dimensions from from Xandr, Admanager and Adform.  If you want extra data on your Orders, the Order ID and the Order Name is available as attributes, below the metrics.
    Please notice that we only report on Direct revenue in this Dimension. 
  • Line Item: We import the Line Item dimension from from Xandr, Admanager and Adform. If you want extra data on your Line Items, the Line item ID and the Line Item Name is available as attributes, below the metrics.
    Please notice that we only report on Direct revenue in this Dimension.

Please notice that everything that is selectable as a Dimension can also be used as a Filter, so if you have selected “Site” as a Dimension; but only want to see maybe 2 particular site, you can select these 2 sites under “Filters”.


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  • Total Revenue: Revenue after the SSPs and adserver revshare - please notice that some SSPs/Adservers deliver gross and some net
  • API Gross revenue: The raw revenue values collected from the SSPs and Adservers with out and cuts being subtracted
  • Network revenue: If you have a revshare on the Publisher accounts, this is the networks revenue
  • Publisher revenue: If you have a revshare on the Publisher accounts, this is the Publishers revenue
  • Adserver in: The number of impressions coming in to your adserver placement, or your headerbidder call. This value is used to calculate the Adserver eCPM (RPM) and the Fill rate %
  • Est. SSP in: The impression traffic going into a particular SSP. (Please notice that not all SSPs deliver this value)
  • Sold Impressions: These are the impressions sold in either the Adserver or the SSPs. It is used to calculate the Fill rate %
  • Page views: The number of pageviews collected from your Analytics system. Please notice that this metric is not compliant with all dimensions (Placements being one example)
  • Total eCPM: This is the eCPM value using Total Revenue + Sold Impressions
  • Publisher eCPM: This is the eCPM value using Publisher Revenue / Sold Impressions
  • Adserver eCPM: This is the eCPM value using Total Revenue / Adserver In
  • Pageviews eCPM: This is the eCPM value using Total Revenue / Pageviews
  • Fill rate%: This is the % between Sold Impressions and Adserver in 
  • Est. SSP Fill %: This is the % between Sold Impressions and Est. SSP in
  • Network rev-%: This is the % share of the Network revenue vs the Publisher revenue 
  • Clicks: The number of times users click on an ad after viewing it
  • Click-through rate%: The percentage of an ad impressions that resulted in clicks   CTR(%)=(Clicks / Ad Impressions) * 100
  • Viewability%: This is the % of an ad that is in viewed on the user's screen. Based on IAB standard, meaning an ad is considered "viewed" when 50% of ads pixels are visible for 1 second
  • Viewable Imps: Viewable impressions refer to the number of ad impressions that meet the viewability criteria. It represents the count of ads that were considered "viewed" as defined by the ad viewability standards.
  • Viewable measured: Viewable measured refers to the number of ad impressions that were successfully measured for viewability. 

Trend Metrics

Trend Metrics are similar to the normal metrics, but focus on the changes across the periods that are selectable below the metrics.

  • Revenue change (rev): The revenue change in real numbers
  • Revenue change (%): The revenue change in percentages
  • Efficiency change (%): Adserver eCPM change in percentages
  • Efficiency change (rev): Change in revenue compared to if Adserver eCPM would have been identical to the period(s) compared. For example, if you earned 10$ from 10.000 ad-request last week (Adserver eCPM = 1.0), but this week we earned 20$ from 25000 ad-requests (Adserver eCPM = 0.8) - then Efficiency change (rev) is -5.0 as we've lost 5$ by not keeping last week's Adserver eCPM

Other Options

These options are basically options that are not used very often, but very useful in certain cases. 

  • Currency: Select if you want another currency output than the default you are using.
  • Advertiser Mapping: Select if you want to use another Advertiser mapping than your default one. See more about Advertiser mappings here.
  • Max Advertisers: How many of the Advertisers should be loaded in the report or Dashboard
  • Revenue Corrections: Select if you want to use any of the revenue corrections added, in this particular Report or Dashboard

Filter by

All your dimensions are also filterable, which means that you can limit the scope on one or several dimensions you want to report on. This can be very useful, for limiting the data set, to only show the critical data that you want to have a look at; in order to make the report more precise.

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Reporting limitations

Don’t be afraid to try different combinations out, nothing will ever break, but if your report gets extremely large, the report will time out. Then simply try again but with a slightly smaller data set. 

Please note, the advertiser filter only brings back 60 days of historical data.