How to create and maintain your own Reporting and Dashboard templates

This article will help you to create and maintain reporting and dashboard temlpates; both for yourself and your coworkers!

How to add a new template and select where it should show up.

In Relevant Yield you already have a set of nice Templates, that are ready to use.

Go to Reports > + New Report > Choose a template (API Insight, HB Analytics or HB Analytics Historical) 


If you would like to, you can now also create your own templates. There are basically 2 different ways for you to create a new template:

  • Create a new template from scratch
  • Use an existing Report or Dashboard reporting module, and save it as a template

Choose pre-existing template 

You can find the template editor in the left side menu, in the Admin drop-down. It is called Report and dashboard templates:

In this view you also have the option to add a new template for the type of report you would like to build into a template: 

  • API Insight: Historical API data
  • HB Analytics: Real-time Auction data
  • HB Analytics Historical: Long-term historical Auction data
  • API Adserver Forecast: Forecasting data collected from your Adserver


Create a new template from scratch

If you press the big + sign next to one of the types, you will be transferred into the "Add/Edit" screen; where you see a basic version of the report that you can start to manipulate (press the cog-wheel) to your liking:


When you feel that your report is the way you want toe, you can name and press the "Ok" button. This will take you back to the edit screen.

At the bottom of the page, you will see some "Template Settings":

  • Description: This is the text that other users will be displayed with the template when hovering the template in the template lists, or shown for selection.
  • Is report template: If this template should be available in the "Reports" menu on the left side. We recommend that you keep data-extensive reports as "report template", and not as "dashboard template" reports, to avoid slowing down your dashboard load too much when logging in.
  • Admin visible template: If the template should be visible to Admin users
  • User visible template: If the template should be visible for non-admin users; like Sales users or Publisher users. Please remember to make sure that everything you want to report on (Metrics and Dimensions), are available for these users to use; otherwise the template will be crossed out in their list (you can always edit afterwards of course).
  • Default Dashboard for new users. If this is selected a version of the template will be automatically created on the dashboard for new users; which can be a good easy way for new users to get into the system.

You can go back and forth in this process, until you feel that everything is ok. Once done, you can press the "Save" button. The template will now show up in the Dashboard template list or in your report selection list as a new template; depending on your choices.


Use an existing Report, and save it as a template

If you already have an existing report, and would like to turn it into a template, it is as easy as pressing a button! In fact the button can be found in "Options" in your Reports:


How to edit or remove an existing template.

You can edit an existing template by navigating to the template editor in the Admin menu tot he left:


The Icons on each template give you an overview of the current "Template settings":


The "pencil" icon will bring you to the edit page (see instruction above about how to edit), and the "Trashcan" will remove the template. Please notice that this will not "destroy" the existing reports your have created; but it is removed from any lists, and you cannot create any new ones any more. Previously created Reports or Dashboard module reports will remain!