
Welcome to the Relevant Yield Feature and Information Letter!

Welcome, dear user of Relevant Yield, to the first release of 2023. In this release, we have a couple of larger updates, and a few smaller ones as well: 

  1. Configuration targeting for User countries
  2. Date-based events notifications
  3. Links to Support and Knowledge Base
  4. Support for Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
  5. Improved support for the Equative Adserver and updated API/Data connections

The release will drop today and during the rest of the week.

1. Configuration targeting and analytics for User countries

This provides the option to target your configurations against a country that the user is connecting from. It also opens up additional configuration improvements,  as you can also utilise this with the previously released multivariate testing. 

Configuration targeting and analytics for User countries

As the configurational targeting is also supported by the HB Analytics, it allows you to really evaluate your setup performance on a granular level, and have differentiated optimised configurations based on where the user is coming from. 

You can of course slice and dice your data on all the existing Dimensions and Metrics, so anything from revenue performance to bidder latency or fill-rates can be evaluated in the light of the new HB Analytics dimension.


What’s in it for you?

Better control and understanding of geographical regional performance; so in essence an answer to “What are the right SSPs, ID vendors, floor-prices etc based on the region the user is coming from?” With the HB Manager it is of course also really easy to take action and perform continuous optimisation across your websites and geos.

Configuration targeting and analytics for User countriesYou can build configurations that both work with individual countries or groups of countries. With the multivariate testing, you can also test the different configurations before implementing, and really work through what works, before putting it into full effect!

You set up the geographically targeted configurations in a very similar way as you would a child configuration, and you can read more about how to use it here.


2. Date-based events notifications

The date based events notifications adds the ability to create notifications for different events. This could be anything from a problem with a SSP, an activation of a new ID provider, or maybe something like a consent management problem. It is really just your imagination that sets the limit!

The events show up as dotted lines in the Reporting Dashboard modules and works for both API insight and HB Analytics: 

Date-based events notificationsBy hovering the line you can see what the event refers to. If you want to filter out the events, it is also possible, through a “tag” system. You can also choose if you would like your event to be “Public” (shared), or private, in which case the event is only visible for you.

You can set up your new events in the right slide options menu on the graph, or simply utilise the new “Events” menu, in the left side menu; beneath Configurations. This is also the place to manage all your existing events.

Date-based events notificationsWhat's in it for you?

A great graphical way of sharing data with your co-workers for important dates. This can save time and avoid co-workers doing the same investigation due to a lack of communication.

You can read more about how to add Events For API Insight and HB Analytics here:

Date-based event notifications in API Insight

Date-based event notifications in HB Analytics


3.  Links to Support and Knowledge Base

We have now added links inside the tool, straight to both our support, documentation and product-page:

Links to Support and Knowledge Base

What's in it for you?

Easier access to get both information and help regarding more complicated questions! 


4. Support for Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

For those of our clients using API Insight, it has been possible to add their Google Analytics data for a couple of years now, and with this update, we have made it possible to add data for Google Analytics 4.

If you want to know more about how you can add your Web Analytics data to API insight, you can read more about it here, or contact your Technical Account Manager.


5. Improved support for the Equativ Adserver and updated API/Data connections

We have updated/added support for:

  • Equativ buyer connect
  • Equativ Direct campaign data
  • AdaptMX

 Improved support