Bulk import (automated mapping) of your HB structure with .csv

Import your complete or partial mapping structure with adserver and SSP placement IDs with just a few steps

The steps described here are following the path that is needed in order to successfully bulk import your structure. 

If your account manager completed all these steps during the Relevant Yield onboarding, you have the option to request a copy of the .csv file or you can start filling out the example .csv file that you downloaded in step 4..


1. Configure settings for the adserver

Find instructions HERE


2. Add the new SSPs

Find instructions HERE


3. Set up Placement types

Find instructions HERE


4. Download example .csv

Navigate to > Publisher Accounts > Import from CSV > Download Example CSV

When you click on the "CSV Import/export" and option to select or drag and drop your CSV file will appear.

You can "Download example CSV" file.

5. Export current structure to CSV

If you already have a structure in place, but want to see what all Publishers > sites > placements > SSPs you have in Relevant Yield, you can do that by clicking on the "Export current structure" as seen on bottom image.


6. Do a test import

Perform a test import by modifying the "Publisher name" to a test publisher name. This action will automatically generate a new publisher in your account. By doing this, you can verify the import and see how the structure will appear once you upload it for real.

  • Columns with typos and wrong names will be skipped - left empty, so make sure the names match your integration names.
  • Extra spaces in the names will also cause typos and will be skipped
  • Uppercase vs lowercase letters will also cause typos

If there are no upload errors and you are satisfied with the appearance of the structure, you can safely remove the test publisher and proceed with the actual import.


WARNING! - Warning messages usually appear when something already exists in the RY system (e.g. adserver, placement name...). You can ignore those warning messages as it is just a reminder that you are updating the said "placement" with newly added SSPs.


7. Do a "real" import and include new placements in configuration

After completing the import, the final step is to navigate to the "Prebid configuration" on the site level and make sure newly imported placements are enabled in the configuration (they should be added by default when importing, but its good to double-check everything is as it should).

This will ensure that the placements are included in the overall setup and can be used effectively.

website level prebid configuration (1)

add placements to prebid configuration (1)

And don't forget to confirm with OK button and then SAVE button!