Adding a new placement

In Relevant Yield, placement are created under Websites. 

1. Navigate to a Website in which you'd like to create a new placement.

2. Click + sign

3. Click arrow down on the right to open the placement settings

4. Edit name and other settings

Name - name of your placement

Adserver - select the adserver you have created in the Configuration - Integrations settings

SSP - select a SSP you have created in the Configuration - Integrations settings. This is where you will map the SSP placement ids.

Placement label - A placement label is a way for you to organize your different placements for the API Insights reporting. Read more about Placement labels in the API Insights section: Adding your own placement labels

Placement type - HB Manager setting for managing which ad sizes should be run on this placement. Placement types can be global or website or placement specific. 

Pre bid parameters - HB Manager setting for managing how prebid is working on the placement.

Built-in settings - Settings for HB Manager Floor price module (read more: How to use the Floor price module and for HB Manager reloads (read more: Reloads in HB Manager )

Custom parameters - For different custom purposes on a placement level. Custom parameters can also be set on a global level.

5. Click Save